Telework moments

Of course, this confinement will expand our vocabulary among other things … Jokes aside, this is the moment for us Real Estate Agents to be together with our clients, in addition to reactivating and passing on our databases and taking that time so necessary that we do not usually have in our frenzied day to talk to our sellers to try to resolve those doubts about the current situation that directly concerns us. To convey to you that from Inmobiliaria Loraine de Zara we continue to work with the same or even more energy and determination to promote and search for the client who, after this uncertain period, will be interested in acquiring a property in our beloved Coste del Sol, to be able to guide both sellers as well as buyers about the variation or not, of the price of your property as well as the reason, accompanying it with a detailed report of your property that will be very useful for both the seller and the buyer in order to have an overview of the real estate market.

We can convey to you that today no sales have been canceled for us, which have only been postponed due to the fact that some clients are outside Marbella. And that clients interested in acquiring a property follow the market with the same interest, so we recommend that you contact us and we will surely be able to help you find the best option.

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